This nude female wrestling battle is between inexperienced but eager sexfighters Jenny (5'0", 110 lbs) and Antonia (5'5", 141 lbs). They start wearing garters, stockings and panties with the bigger Antonia taking the top position and mounting her rival with a facesit pin. Jenny throws her off then traps her foe flat on her back in a gvine pin. Panties are ripped off in a fierce struggle as they punish each other with headlocks, body scissors and full body pin downs.They exchange the top position dominating each other with facesits as tits are sucked and squeezed and ass and pussy shoved into each other's faces. Crotch to crotch humping and grinding clits together leads to fierce erotic tribbing and both are brought to orgasm multiple times. It's closely fought and evenly matched with the winner in doubt until the shocking ending when the smaller Jenny takes over and mounts Antonia with a fierce pussy grinding facesit until she has a violent orgasm while Anonia play with her own pussy in total defeat after 32 minutes of erotic lesbian sexfighting.
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