Delts Diva is a sexy, beautiful, muscular female bodybuilder who loves wrestling her male friend but he hates being beaten up by her all the time. She gets angry with him and begins an onslaught of punishment that includes full body pins, headlocks and gvine pins. When he doesn't give enough effort she shoves her tits roughly into his face then traps him between her powerful thighs with vicious head and body scissors. Once her prey is helpless she takes advantage of him sexually. She traps him in inescapable head scissors then pulls his pants down and sucks on his cock giving him a strange combination of pain, pleasure and agony. When he doesn't get hard enough she squeezes him more aggressively, strips nude, then shoves pussy in his face while sucking his cock. He is then mounted and fucked as this powerful beauty rides him hard and fast. Delts is just getting started as she buries him with erotic facesitting, fiercely face fucking him before getting on her back then making him eat her wet pussy. Not yet sexually sated the horny Amazon transitions to a sensuous 69 giving him an unreal deep throat blowjob. She devours his cock fully until he explodes with a dripping orgasm. This cum squirting victory is easy work for the muscular diva after 35 minutes of total and complete sexual domination.
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