Accomplished wrestler Nadege shows why she is also a famous sex-fighter as she goes against her close Belgian friend Xana in this naked oil wrestling challenge. Attractive blonde Xana has a toned, fit body and Nadege has long fantasized about a sexfight against her. This isn't so much competitive as erotic since both were waiting for this sexy moment to happen for a while. Nude glistening hard body females grind breast to breast and pussy to pussy as they exchange the top position. Xana rubs her tits into her rival's face then presses her thigh into her crotch. Soon Nadege takes the top position and dominates Xana with full body pin downs while she humps her with pussy grinding trib to orgasm. Nadege gives Xana a sensuous body rub down and a final kiss after 12 minutes of erotic lesbian sexfighting.
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