Tami and Lisa throw down in this vicious topless heavyweight battle. These big breasted rivals hate each other and Lisa shows no mercy as she takes Tami down then throws a flurry of punches to her head, body and breasts. Lisa continues the beating as she pulls her foe's hair and slams her head into a wall. Tami finally flips her over and connects with a hard right to the face but her success is short-lived. Within seconds Lisa reverses her then blasts her repeatedly with brutal heel kicks to the head before trapping Tami in a hair pulling head scissors. The route is on as the thrashing continues with headlocks, kicks and hard punches to the breast as well as blows to the face. Tami is taking a serious beating but refuses to quit and eventually wears her exhausted enemy down. Tami slams her big body on top of the loser making her quit after 11 minutes of all-out female fighting action.
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